Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 64, Week Seven!

Friends, This intro is just another shout-out to tell you that past and present Aces of Aces Weekly are ready for you to meet and say hi to in the heart of England!  And, yeah, sorry if you fab readers from across the globe can't personally access the great creative collective talent these guys represent, but that's just the way of the usual cruel Fate that we all know about and try to laugh about!   The venue to meet these guys on the one-day and excellent event of October 7th is detailed here at Comic Expo Bristol.  Paul McCaffrey of the discontinued but superb ' Fawkes ' in our early Aces Weekly volumes is there , as is Gavin Mitchell from similarly early volumes featuring the fabulous ' Santa Claus Versus The Nazis '.  Lew Stringer will be there too, and the superior, David Hitchcock as well.  Go see them if you possibly can!  They love you!  We love you!  No art form on this planet generates as much enthusiasm and dedication to it as the art of comics, so we want to be here for you to express that to us whenever you  can, and recognize that we feel the same.  There's not an Ace on Aces Weekly who doesn't!  Okay, that's it with the intro this time!  Have a terrific week all of you... : )  Stay safe - and see you in Volume 65!

ALWAYS want to hear from you!  Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!