Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 64, Week Five!

Friends, I've just seen some great - and unexpectedly-unusual - pages of comics that are currently being published in the pages of a major mainstream comics publisher that isn't really known for the unusual.  Big publishers in print can rarely take the chance to divert from what their needed core readership expects of them unless economic necessity forces them to explore and reach out for a wider crowd, which they've done at times and often with success.  Luckily, here at Aces Weekly - and in this bounteous 21st Century that we all inhabit - we've never had to worry about the restrictions that make big print comics worry and stress about reaching out beyond their core.  We just do what we do without very much of such worry - for the sake of the freedom of our contributors and the freedom of the art itself to stretch its muscles to its maximum.  How it'll all turn out at the end of the day as we battle for better acceptance from all the doggedly resistant areas of the comics world, I really can't tell.  But then, I couldn't be happier in the fight... : )   Stay safe and spread the word of us, everyone! 

Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you!  Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!