Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 59, Week 7!

Friends, I was told to my surprise yesterday that there's only one gallery dedicated to comic art in the whole of Italy.  In a country where three popular titles are always on the newsstands everywhere and sell in their thousands every week - namely Dylan Dog, Nathan Never, and Tex - along with many other comics in a country full of great comics artists, this was a surprise. Of course, we only have one dedicated gallery, too, The Cartoon Museum, though it's not solely for comics art. However, this news about Italy prompts me to repeat a suggestion I made to you all some time ago, which was to represent any local famed comics artist you may know of in your area by informing your local gallery and museum - there's one of those in every area still, thankfully - of their existence to suggest they hang an example of their work in some convenient spot on their walls. Comics artists, like cartoonists of other kinds, too, which I included in this suggestion last time, are as important to hang on the wall as the local famed watercolourist or similar. They're just as much a part of the cultural landscape. Let's make our comic art gallery all the galleries across the land... : )  And keep staying safe! 

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