Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 50, Week Seven!

Friends, My thanks to you all for for being with us here in this last historic week of the milestone Aces Weekly Volume 50! It's a great pleasure for me to present in this historic volume, the terrific contributions of Aces, David Leach, Lew Stringer, Mychailo Kazybrid, and Bambos Geogiou, who were among the first great Aces to pioneer our cause in our very first volume!  Without those who believe in a good idea, all good ideas are nothing, so we here celebrate those great creators from the beginning of our existence who supported us in those early days, and without whom we would have nothing to be able to give you as you continue to support us in our existence!  Stay with us, stay safe, and keep smiling with us as we keep going through all this crazy stuff that's happening now!  50 is nothing if we can make it through all this stuff, right? See you soon again in Volume 51! : )

Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you!  Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!