Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 43, Week Four!

Friends, An item on tv this morning said that this date is the supposed to be the gloomiest day of the year!  If you didn't hear that and didn't know it before, I'd say you were better off not knowing it!  But if, by any chance, you did hear that, and spent the day under some kind of predicted cloud, tonight you can cheer yourself up mightily with our bright, sparkling, tales of serial killers, snowbound mountain climbers, baby-snatchers, weird country folk, and tough kids fighting against the odds!  Gloomy?  We don't know the meaning of the word... : )
Two last notes : this week there's another script in Extras from one of the excellent entrants to our contest last year - this time it's from Brett Hamilton.  And, finally, please note that our great Ace, Stewart Kenneth More. ( aka Booda Von Bloodstein ) will be at Comic Con Prague soon. Go see him if you're close enough!.. : )

Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you!  Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!