Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 41, Week Seven!

Friends, those of you reading the regular mailings we send out with free art gifts in free prize draws, have had notice of this already.  Don't read them? Hmmm... Better you should start reading them - you never know what you might miss!... Regardless, please note : in Extras there are two pics ; one is one sample page from an 11-page silent story of great art from up-and-comer, Alejandro Velasquez, which is looking for some words to go with it ; the other page is from some other guy, and is one of the prizes for writing the winning script for the currently-silent art, the other prize being having that script lettered on the final strip and published in Aces Weekly Volume 42, Week Six on December 2nd!  So - do you think you can write 11 pages of a clever ( funny/or dramatic/or extremely intelligent/or all three ) script for this purpose?  If so, first email [email protected] for the full art pdf, under the important subject line : COMPETITION and that will be sent to you. Then, write your script and send it to the email address specified on the pdf instructions in any readable format : i.e. Page 1 ; panel 1, Caption : whatever ; Runner : whatever, etc... This is just a bit of fun in this 7th week to partly celebrate our 7-year birthday, but in having that fun you might discover some creative muscles you never thought you had!  Contest closes on November 11th!  And the winner will be announced shortly after via these pages and our Aces Weekly Facebook page.  The Publisher's decision will be final!  Btw, to all Aces Weekly contributors reading this : you are, of course, barred..! : ) 

Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you!  Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!