Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 25, Week Three!

This is the time of year when not only is planning for Christmas the subject of much tv advertising, but, so, too, very soon, will be planning for next year's Summer holidays! Tour companies aplenty will be displaying family fun in the sun in all kinds of settings, for the purpose of enticing customers into booking early at bargain prices. What's made me mention this as part of an Aces Weekly intro is a fact revealed about a specific change in this year's holiday advertising period.  No holiday companies are producing paper brochures anymore. Those thick, confusing, bumper collections of difficult-to-decipher price details, alongside misleading pictures of smart hotels, airbrushed skies and impossibly-blue seas... they're gone.  Easier, cheaper, better-to-navigate, web alternatives are in their place!  Yes!  One more paper/print thing makes way for an easier, smarter-looking thing, with better reproduction and easier access.  Ring a bell?  We know we had a good idea - it's always good to see others waking up to it, too : ) 

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