ACES WEEKLY Volume 15, Week Three!

Aces Weekly is just back from London Supercomicon this past weekend, where, once again we had the pleasure of meeting some of our great readers ( hello to you all again! ) and sought to recruit more : to subscribe or simply buy our now numerous Previous Volumes individually. Some of those who resist the lure of our lovely publication often describe themselves as ' old school ' because of their dedication to comics of the common paper form.  But that term more widely refers to a kind of solid reliability and dependence on well-founded and traditional ways of working - and that classification describes what we do at Aces Weekly with total accuracy! We feature comics that use techniques of storytelling that were established in the earliest days of the craft as their rules for effectiveness. We preserve those and use them - and just put them on a different surface to view than that of resource-wasting paper. So, though we're a very new and pioneering publication, we also can call ourselves ' old school ' - and do so very proudly : )   

Remember, we always want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at